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Versanet Can Help Simplify Your Upcoming IoT Projects.

Versanet is ready to help you with your Internet of Things (IoT) projects and offerings.  Our experience and expertise in the cabling and wireless marketplace is an invaluable resource for making sure your project works the way it was designed to work. 

What is Internet of Things exactly?  That is not an easy questions answer because the answer is not black and white.  Scholars define IoT as an inextricable mixture of hardware, software, data and services that collect useful data with the help of various existing technologies and then autonomously flow the data between other devices.

 What does this really mean?  By the definition above, it is whatever you want it to be.  IoT is where imagination meets technology to give you the information you need when you need it.   


Internet of Things (IoT)

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Can we simplify this?  Yes we can.  IoT is a combination of 4 distinct areas.  1) Sensors capable of collecting data.  2) The Medium that this this data is communicated over from the sensors to the control center. 3) The control center capable of collecting and storing this data.  And 4) the System behind it all, capable of mining the data and providing the analytics in a useful format to be used.


What are some examples?  There are many examples in today’s marketplace, many we run into in our day to day lives.  Smart thermostats, household appliances that connect to WiFi, smart meters and energy management systems for our utility services, WiFi enabled vending machines that tell the owners when items need to be restocked, environmental monitoring sensors in manufacturing facilities or those that monitor water and air quality in outdoor areas, transponders that help locate vehicles or monitor livestock, structural sensors on buildings and bridges, and even heart monitors commonly used in healthcare.  These are all examples of IoT.


How can We help? Netversity has partners that can assist in many of these areas.Our expertise lies in the Medium.The capabilities of an IoT network rely on the being able to communicate the data from the sensors to the control center.This conduit is either hardwired or wireless. Netversity has in house expertise in hardwired and wireless communications, and is available to help with your upcoming IoT Projects and Dreams.