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Versanet Partners

Versanet is proud to offer best of brand technology and services, from industry leading partners throughout the marketplace.

Versanet is equally proud to offer these products and services to our partners, who depend on us to to keep their mission critical systems operating with efficiency, and those who depend on us to deliver real world solutions, on time and on budget, to their customers.

How to Chose the IT Partner who can Best Support your Needs

Many companies find it challenging to decide which provider will best suit their needs, nevertheless choosing an IT Partner is an important decision, and with all important decisions, there is a process that can make it easier for companies along the way. Here are some helpful steps that we hope can provide guidance along the way.

Know what you are looking for in an IT Partner.

Always know what you are looking for in an IT Provider. This is equally important for your needs today, as well as your future needs, as your company grows and adapts with the times, changes in technology, and your customers needs. If these are important to you, as they relate to your clients, they should be important to your potential partner, and they relate to you as a potential client. Are you looking for responsiveness, depth of skillset, broad range of offerings, lowest prices, or the widest coverage area? Perhaps you are looking for the right combination of elements? You will be more successful in finding the right IT partner if you know what you are looking for going in. Explain your goals, and make sure to ask how they are going to achieve your goals, rather than taking their word that they can.

Understand their commitment to standards and capabilities.

Technology standards and industry standard best practices are in place for reason. Does your potential partner adhere to these commonalities? Experience offers the ability to understand, and establish best practices that work, are proven, and are repeatable. Cutting corner to speed up processes, or save cost are not always the best way to approach long term strategies and could leave you with headaches in the future. Are they equally committed to understanding todays technology, as well as emerging technology that will carry into years to come? Both are necessary commitments to ensure a smooth roadmap for your company and becoming a trusted advisor you can depend on.

Explore their client onboarding experience.

What is involved in starting to do business together and becoming a new client with the potential partner? Understand the process, and what is involved. Understanding what you are getting into, what is expected of you, and what you are expecting in return, are important steps in setting expectations and limiting surprises along the way. Process that are overly complex, are just as worrisome as processes that are too easy or non existent, and both should be questioned.

Look at the overall capacity and breadth of the company.

While considering taking this journey with a potential partner, consider their ability to deliver the services you need today, as well as tomorrow. What is the size of their staff, and how to they interact with each others. How will the information flow between you and key people in their company. Do they have the experience and expertise that you are looking for, and are they committed to ensuring that they will continue to have what you need in years to come by staying abreast of technology and trends in the marketplace.

Understand their fee structure.

How is your potential fee structure organized? Are their ongoing fees involved, or is their offering project based? How do they deal with in scope, out of scope, and scope increased that happen during large scale projects and rollouts? Be cautious with β€œtoo good to be true'β€œ providers, as well as those asking for top dollar without the references or experience to back it up. Complex fee structures need time to understand, and seeing the proper expectations up front are important elements in the relationship, and being able to adapt with flexibility is often a make or break topic for conversation.

Make sure you like each other.

Make an effort to understand their core values, and more importantly, if they strive to live them day to day, or if there are merely words on a wall. Pay attention to the vibe during your interactions, and if you click during your engagement. People like doing business with people and companies they like, and this fosters engagement and ability to work together towards common goals.

Let their current clients do the talking.

Ask our potential partner to provide relevant references, preferably in your industry, similar size, or similar IT requirements. Talk to the references, ask questions, and gauge if their references are happy with their choice. You might be surprised to see how many IT providers cannot provide references, and yet they can be an important factor in your decision making process.

If you are looking to put these guidelines to the test, feel free to contact us with any questions you have. We are looking forward to having the opportunity to earn your business and partnership.


Versane Partners

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